Question: What do Jehovah’s Witnesses and vampires have in common?
Answer: They both hate the cross!
Here is a contradiction: The Watchtower teaches its followers--the Jehovah’s Witnesses--that the cross is an evil symbol because Christ suffered and died on it. At the same time this cult also teaches them that Christ was not nailed to a cross, but on a ‘torture stake’—an upright pole.
Here is logic: If Christ was nailed to an upright pole, then the cross—an upright beam with a cross beam—cannot possibly be evil because Christ was not nailed to it. On the other hand, if the cross is evil because Christ was nailed to it, then Christ was not nailed to a ‘torture stake.’ Either way, the Watchtower is wrong.
In the Watchtower’s distorted bible, The New World Translation of The Holy Scriptures, every occurrence of the word ‘cross’ is replaced with the words ‘torture stake.’ The cult’s hatred of Christianity and the cross has pushed it too far in its lies, and the organization has been left with its foot in its mouth.
Here is a blatant lie: ‘On page 1156 of the Watchtower’s THE KINGDOM INTERLINEAR TRANSLATION OF THE GREEK SCRIPTURES, [a photo is shown depicting a man nailed to an upright pole, his hands nailed together above his head]. On page 1155 the president of Jehovah’s Witnesses says: “Such a single stake for impalement of a criminal was called crux simplex, and the method of nailing him to such an instrument of torture is illustrated by the Roman Catholic scholar, Justus Lipsius, of the 16th century. We present herewith a photographic copy of his illustration on page 647, column 2, of his book, DE CRUSE LIBER PRIMUS. This is the manner in which Jesus was impaled.”’[1]
Here is truth: ‘On page 46 Justus Lipsius says, “In the Lord’s cross there were four pieces of wood, the upright beam, the cross-bar, the piece of wood placed below (for the feet) and the title inscription placed above.” Photos #2 & #3 are pictures of the Lord’s Cross according to [Lipsius’ above description]. Justus Lipsius…further states: “When a man, hands stretched out, worships God with a pure heart he resembles a Cross.”
According to Justus Lipsius, Jesus was not nailed on an upright stake, but on a cross. He proves his belief by quoting many of the early Church Fathers.’[2] The president of the Jehovah’s Witnesses obviously LIED.
And more truth: Moses parted the Red Sea with his arms outstretched and his body resembling the form of a cross. God commanded that the twelve tribes of Israel travel through the desert in a cross-formation. This is how the Lord watched His people from the heavens. Jehovah’s Witnesses, like vampires, are hateful enemies of the cross of Christ, and Christians should dismiss their lies and know for sure that the cross is holy!
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