Saturday, January 19, 2008

#8 - Do Not Distort The Cross!

There is a practice among most Christians today which dates back centuries—the making of the sign of the cross. There are two basic methods: the modern way, as practiced by Roman Catholics; and the original, ancient way, as practiced by Eastern Orthodox Christians. The Orthodox Christian way of making the sign of the cross dates back to the time when Christianity was one united church—the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

The original method of making the sign of the cross was centuries old before the Church split into western and eastern regions in 1054 A.D. Then, a new way of making this sign was developed by the Pope in Rome. Alas, the original way was distorted—for the Western Church. But it was kept unchanged by the Eastern Church, and it remains intact today, displayed by Eastern Orthodox Christians around the world.

To properly make the sign of the cross, it is important to remember what a cross is: The Cross of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was a vertical beam with a horizontal crossbeam perpendicular to it. He was nailed to this cross with His arms outstretched. Orthodox Christians are fortunate to be gifted with possession of the original, and true way of making the sign of the cross. And they are, therefore, obligated to follow the form of the cross when making this holy sign—perfectly vertical and perfectly horizontal motions of the hand. In short, as perfectly perpendicular as the perfect cross of Christ!

The Orthodox Christian way uses the index finger, middle finger, and the thumb touched together, symbolizing the Holy Trinity together as One composite God, to tap:

1) the forehead (for Christ originated, and came down from, heaven),

2) the belly button area (for he came down to earth in the form of a man),

3) the right shoulder (because we Christians want to spend eternity by the right hand of God), and

4) the left shoulder.

The Orthodox might then place his open hand over his heart and bow slightly, as a reverent gesture of the closeness of God to his heart. But, is this the way most Christians make the sign of their cross?

A Christian must not distort the cross! But many Christians, even some priests unfortunately, seem to be playing air-guitar with their hands! Their hands seem to make vertical-diagonal motions instead of vertical-horizontal ones. Sometimes even diagonal-diagonal or vertical-vertical. Satan hates the cross, and he must be enjoying the ignorance, apathy, and pure laziness of Christians who distort this holy symbol. Christians, DO NOT DISTORT THE CROSS! Make this holy sign in its proper form with fear of God, humility, and pure reverence for our Lord Jesus Christ, who shed his blood on it for our salvation!

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