Saturday, January 26, 2008

#14 - Why ‘Jehovah’ Doesn’t Exist

What??? Jehovah doesn’t exist? Isn’t that blasphemy? Not quite. Are we saying that God doesn’t exist? No, not at all. God exists, but His name is not ‘Jehovah’.

What is ‘Jehovah’? ‘Jehovah’ is a man-made word. It is the combination of the four consonant characters of God’s personal name—YHWH, with the vowels of the word ADONAY (My Lord). This produced the mixed word ‘YaHoWaH’, which became ‘JaHoVaH’, which is now pronounced as ‘JeHoVaH’. According to the NEW CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA, ‘Jehovah’ is a “false form of the divine name YAHWEH”, and “an erroneous form of the name of the God of Israel.” (ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA) This mixing of the consonants of one word with the vowels of another word is as erroneous as combining the consonants of GERMANY with the vowels of PORTUGAL. Those who claim to be ‘Witnesses’ of ‘Jehovah’ are as lost as those who would claim to be citizens of a country called ‘GORMUNA’. It simply does not exist!

God told Moses that His name is I AM. Moses then told the Israelites that ‘He Who Is’ had sent him. ‘He Who Is’ in Hebrew is a Tetragrammaton, or four-consonant word. The equivalent English sound of the first Hebrew character is Y, of the second character is H, of the third is W, and of the fourth is H. This spells YHWH, and is pronounced ‘Yahweh’. “This is my name for ever” said the LORD (Exodus 3:15, KJV). This is a God-spoken word, and is therefore pure; pure in every sense of the word, unadulterated by mixture with any other man-made word, unlike ‘Jehovah’. Which name of God is therefore pure? Which one is not? You don’t have to be a theologist to reach the right conclusion.

But doesn’t the Bible contain the word ‘Jehovah’? Yes it does, unfortunately. Jehovah’s Witnesses will often ask a Christian to open up his own bible, to show him that the ‘name’ of God is Jehovah. This, of course, is to impress the unsuspecting Christian with his ‘knowledge’ of Scripture, and to make the name “Jehovah’s Witnesses” sound legitimate. Even the original King James Version—the most accurate English translation—contains this erroneous form of the name of God. Jehovah’s Witnesses will first point to Exodus 6:3, then to Psalms 83:18 and Isaiah 12:2,26:4. Then they will open up their own distorted version of the bible—The New World Translation of The Holy Scriptures—to show that ‘Jehovah’ appears 280 times. How impressive…(yawn!) DON’T BE FOOLED!

It must be understood that the ancient Israelites first used the name YHWH in the Scriptures. They later replaced YHWH with ‘Adonay’ in their prayer services to avoid offending God by mispronouncing His holy name. This is why the King James Version contains so many occurrences of the word LORD. It should really contain the name YHWH or ‘Yahweh’ instead of ‘Jehovah’ in those four occurrences.

Here is a Watchtower lie: In the New world Translation of The Holy Scriptures, pg. 1448 they quote:

“there were 134 passages…where the Jewish Sopherim… substituted this word ‘Adonay’ for the name Yehowah (“Jehovah”) in the primitive Hebrew text….We have therefore restored the name ‘Jehovah’ to those 134 passages, and thus reduced the number of occurrences of ‘Adonay’ to 298 times. The first occurrence of ‘Adonay’ is in Genesis 15:2, where it precedes the divine name to produce the combination ‘Adonay Yehowih’, which is translated “Sovereign Lord Jehovah.” This combination occurs 280 times by itself.”

What’s wrong with this picture? The Watchtower purposely slipped in the word ‘Yehowah’ (“Jehovah”) where it doesn’t belong! The Jewish Sopherim substituted the word ‘Adonay’ for the word YHWH, not ‘Yehowah’. ‘Yehowah’ is already a combination of YHWH and ‘Adonay’, so it can’t possibly be combined AGAIN with Adonay! This is grammatically false!

Combining the consonants of one word with the vowels of another is a grammatically incorrect way of combining words. Can you mix apples and oranges? If you did, you would have an ‘opplasnge’ or, basically, a non-existent fruit. ‘JEHOVAH’, therefore, cannot even mean ‘Adonay YHWH’ (Lord God)! This is not only ridiculous, but also blasphemy, distorting God’s holy name like that! It is for reasons such as this that the ancient Israelites tried to protect the real name of God! The Watchtower sticks to the name ‘Jehovah’ because it promotes their organization’s multi-million dollar-a-year operation. Anybody who believes that ‘Jehovah’ is God’s name must be an immigrant from ‘GORMUNA’!

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