Tuesday, March 11, 2008

#22 - He Who Made All Things Is God

To make is to build, and to build is to make. It makes one wonder how such a simple expression can be so incomprehensible to some individuals. I make the bricks to build a house; I build the houses to make a town. These two verbs, make and build, are not only identical but interchangeable as well. Those who do not grasp this simple concept end up like Jehovah’s Witnesses, whose own distorted Bible screams to them that Jesus Christ is the Creator, but they are deaf to these screams and blind to the truth.

How identical and interchangeable are these two verbs? Let’s define them and see:

build – vt.

1 to make by putting together materials, parts, etc.; construct

2 to establish…

3 to create or develop

make – vt.

1 to bring into being; build, create, produce

2 to cause to be or become

create – vt.

1 to cause to come into existence; make; originate

2 to bring about

(Webster’s New World Dictionary, 1990, pp. 79, 356, 143)

Note, from the above definitions, the underlined words that link them and show their interchangeability; that build includes make, that make includes build, that both make and build include create, and that also create includes make. Also note that to make is to create, in that to bring into being is the same as to bring about, or to cause to come into existence. The definitions clearly show that a builder is a maker is a creator. Isn’t this clear to see?

A long time ago, when the whole earth spoke one language, men came from the east to a plain in the land of Shinar. There, they made bricks, and they attempted to build a tower high enough to reach heaven – Genesis 11:1-4. They made bricks to build a tower.

To make it is to build it, and to build it is to make it. This is clearly evidenced by Scripture. In Exodus 20:25, God instructs Moses on how to properly build an altar: “And if thou wilt make me an altar of stone, thou shalt not build it of hewn stone” (underlines added for emphasis).

He who makes is he who builds, and he who builds is he who makes. According to the above definitions, making includes building, and building includes making. Scripture shows this with full clarity. How does one build a city? 2 Chronicles 14:6-7 informs us that building a fenced city includes making around it walls, and towers, gates and bars.

In Hebrews 3:3, Jesus Christ is compared to Moses, “For this man [Jesus] was counted worthy of more glory than Moses, inasmuch as he who hath builded the house hath more honour than the house.” An analogy is made here; the house is Moses, and the builder of the house is Jesus Christ. What Scripture is plainly telling us is that Jesus Christ is the builder of the fleshly house called Moses.

We are told that “All things were made by him [the Word, Jesus]; and without him was not any thing made that was made.” (John 1:3) Also, “He was in the world, and the world was made by him” (v. 10) All things that were made, were made by Jesus, and nothing was made without Jesus.

Here is the conclusion of logic: Jesus Christ, as the Maker of all things, is the Builder of all things, and as we are told in Hebrews 3:4, “he that built all things is God.”

How unfortunate, that such simple yet clear logic is not understood by Jehovah’s Witnesses. It is truly sad to see how feebly the Watchtower organization has tried to hide this truth from its followers through distortion of the Holy Scriptures.

In its distorted Bible, The New World Translation, the Watchtower has added the word “other” to the verses at Colossians 1:16-20. It now reads as follows: “because by means of him all [other] things were created in the heavens and upon the earth…. All [other] things have been created through him, and for him. Also, he is before all [other] things, and by means of him all [other] things were made to exist…. And through him to reconcile again to himself all [other] things…” (NWT)

All this distortion is to make people believe that God the Father created the Son, and the Son created all other things. But how can we be sure that this is truly a distortion, and not what the original Greek Scriptures say? One way to know this is to remember the rule for adding words to a quoted text. Any word in brackets within a quoted text is an addition.

The other way to know for sure is to examine the original Greek. Here is Colossians 1:16-20, oti en autw ektisqh ta panta, ta en tois ouranois kai ta epi ths ghs.... ta panta di autou kai eis auton ektistai. Kai autos esti pro pantwn, kai ta panta en autw sunesthke.... kai di autou apokatallaxai ta panta eis auton... (title translated as The New Testament, 1986, P. N. Trembela). Anyone who can read and understand Greek will immediately notice that the word “other” (alla) is not there in the original language, and will understand that it was never meant to be there in the first place!

Note, that words are added to a quoted text only to smooth the translation and the readability of the text. The added word(s) must not change the meaning of the text. Obviously, the Watchtower has done just that.

Here is a word for word transliteration into English of the above Scriptural passage: “THAT BY/THROUGH HIM, WAS CREATED THE ALL, THE OF THE SKIES/HEAVENS AND THE OF THE EARTH…. THE ALL BY/THROUGH HIM AND FOR HIM WERE CREATED: AND HE IS BEFORE ALL, AND THE ALL BY/THROUGH/BECAUSE OF HIM HOLD TOGETHER…. AND BY/THROUGH HIM IS RECONCILED THE ALL TO HIM…” The underlines are added to emphasize that five, count them, five times the world ALL is written and not once in connection with the “other” word.

Jehovah’s Witnesses readily admit that all of creation came into existence through the Son, that by his hands were all these things made. Yet, by denying the Son the title of Creator, they take all rightful honor away from Christ. Actually, when speaking of creation, they only mention God the Father as the Creator of all things, and they leave the Son out of the picture completely. It is equivalent to praising the architect for the development of a building, and ignoring completely the one whose hands have built the structure. On the human level, that would be considered disrespectful. On the divine level it is truly blasphemy!

The Word therefore made ALL things. By this Logic, he cannot be included among creation, and was therefore not created by His Father. The Word, Who is the Son of God, worked together with His Father and the Holy Spirit to create all things. “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness”, commanded the Father, and the Son created all things. The Father is God the Creator because He commanded that these things be done. The Son is God the Creator because by His Godly hands all things were made. The Creator of all things is the maker and builder of all things, and the builder of all things is God.


JJones said...

For your CULT files---

The following will provide THE BEST and MOST ACCURATE info about Jehovah's Witnesses, their beliefs, and how they actually practice such day to day.


The following website summarizes over 500 U.S. court cases and lawsuits affecting children of Jehovah's Witness Parents, including 350 cases where the JW Parents refused to consent to life-saving blood transfusions for their dying children:



The following website summarizes over 500 lawsuits filed by Jehovah's Witnesses against their Employers, incidents involving problem JW Employees, and other secret JW "history" court cases:



OrthodoxChristianTruth said...

Thank you, JJones. I had already posted a link to this website a while ago, thanks to your bringing it to my attention. Please come back regularly with any new information concerning the Watchtower or any other such cult.